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Artwork by Nicole Gagner now on display in Lobby & Gallery

This exhibit features handmade original arwork by Nicole Gagner, currently living and working in Bismarck ND.

The artwork ranges from watercolor on paper, acrylic on wood, acrylic on canvas, and occasional other experiments.

See calendar below for gallery days/hours.

Ellendale Opera House turns 115 years old; come celebrate the historic milestone September 27

The Ellendale Opera House turns 115 years old this year, and a special birthday party to mark the occassion is scheduled Friday, September 27 in the building's Lobby & Gallery.

New exhibit features watercolors by Marilyn Niewoehner

Artist Statement




The Ellendale Opera House and its services are available to all persons without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, or physical or mental disability.

O.P.E.R.A., Inc. is an equal opportunity provider.