Ellendale Opera House turns 115 years old; come celebrate the historic milestone September 27

The Ellendale Opera House turns 115 years old this year, and a special birthday party to mark the occassion is scheduled Friday, September 27 in the building's Lobby & Gallery.


The reception from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. will include entertainment by award-winning fiddler Laura Barry and special recognition of key O.P.E.R.A., Inc. organizers and long-time supporters.

In addition the birthday cake, free hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be provided. The public is invited.

O.P.E.R.A., Inc. – the non-profit charitable organization that owns and operates the historic building – is encouraging supporters of the building restoration work to donate $115 as part of its 2024 "Building on Success" fund drive.

This year's fund drive seeks to raise $75,000 for renovation of the Main Street storefronts for expanded community use of the building.

Last year, O.P.E.R.A. completed a major restoration of the west wall and foundation of the four-story structure. Electrical service to the building has been upgraded and the Main Street faÇade of the building cleaned and restored. 

This year's fund drive also offers donors the opportunity to underwrite restoration of the building's 18 Main Street windows after the old plywood coverings of the windows were removed last year.

By being a window sponsor/donor, the individual would have his/her name (or a memorial dedication for a family member) permanently affixed to a window. The donation also would be recognized with an engraved plaque in the opera house gallery.

Full sponsorship for a window restoration is $5,000; half sponsorship ($2,500 donation) of a window restoration also is available.

Larger naming/sponsorships opportunities for restoration of other parts of the building are available. For details, contact Justin at 701-535-0347.

This year's fund drive options/incentives include:

• “Acres for O.P.E.R.A." to encourage farm owners to donate a portion of their crop to the non-profit organization. Such direct grain donations can provide tax benefits. (Farm owners should consult a tax professional to determine if the program would benefit them.)


• Donors contributing more than $300 between now and December 31 will receive a newly designed O.P.E.R.A. coffee mug. 



To contribute to the "Building on Success", mail your donation to O.P.E.R.A., Inc. at P.O. Box 334, Ellendale, ND 58436, or click on the "Donate" menu button at top of page.


O.P.E.R.A. – Organization of People in Ellendale for Restoration of the Arts – was formed in 1992 to save the Main Street landmark from the wrecking ball. Because O.P.E.R.A. is a charitable non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


All donors also will have their names listed on a display in the Opera House Lobby & Gallery.


For additional information, call 701-535-0347 or email: jmmeid@hotmail.com.


Visit our Facebook page for restoration photos on additional building updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/122667311149139/