2024 O.P.E.R.A., Inc. fund drive exceeds goal

Leach Foundation grant, double-match boost campaign over $100,000


Friday, January 10, 2025


The 2024 Ellendale Opera House fund drive exceeded its goal thanks to a $25,000 grant from the Tom and Frances Leach Foundation of Bismarck and a double-matching incentive in the final quarter of the year.

The "Building on Success" campaign raised just over $107,000, the largest amount contributed during an annual O.P.E.R.A., Inc. fund drive. This year's goal was set at $75,000.

All donations to O.P.E.R.A.,Inc. – the non-profit organization that owns and operates the opera house – will go toward restoration to bring the historic structure back to full use by the community. 

Attendees at the special 115th building birthday event Sept. 27 raised more than $15,000. A special double-match went into effect in October with anonymous supporters matching each dollar donated with an additional $2 dollars through the end of 2024.

O.P.E.R.A. – Organization of People in Ellendale for Restoration of the Arts – was formed in 1992 to save the Main Street building from the wrecking ball. Because O.P.E.R.A. is a charitable non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


All donors will have their names listed on a display in the Opera House Lobby & Gallery.


The organization recently completed a major restoration of the building's west wall and Main Street frontage at a cost of more than $500,000. 


Renovation of the Annex storefront currently is under way. The Annex, adjoining the renovated Lobby & Gallery storefront, will enable O.P.E.R.A. to hold two different activities in the building at the same time, and provide additional space for larger events in the Lobby & Gallery.


Planning also has begun on improvements to return the upstairs stage and auditorium to public use. To return the auditorium to public use will require upgrades to the building entrances along with fire and safety code work. 


You can make a contribution to the opera house by mailing your donation to O.P.E.R.A., Inc. at P.O. Box 334, Ellendale, ND 58436, or donate online at: www.ellendaleoperahouse.com/donate.


For additional information about naming/sponsorship opportunities, call 701-535-0347 or email: jmmeid@hotmail.com.


Visit our Facebook page for restoration photos and additional building updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/122667311149139/